The P-3 Vision is a new type of hybrid product solution which gives lighting and video designers a new tool to bridge the ever-closer worlds of lighting and video. Combining a 42 x 42 mm pitch pixel matrix and an extremely powerful LED illumination engine in one plane, the P-3 Vision is the perfect solution for creating exciting lighting effects and video content in ways never seen before.


Designers can now go beyond “eye-candy” type effects, to reproduction of pixel and video content through a powerful, calibrated direct view engine, all while also serving as a high-performance illumination fixture.
Hybrid control of multiple data streams gives the production team incredible flexibility to integrate video and lighting with cross-fade and inhibit style content management.
DynaMix™ is a scalable drive design which brings an unprecedented level of output to all new SGM Light products. LED engines with DynaMix™ with can utilize the full power capacity of a power source when using combinations of drive channels. What does this mean? Essentially a huge boost in output. Not only in single channels of color, but also in mixed colors. DynaMix™ is made possible by using larger, more powerful LEDs than would normally be chosen at a given power rating. When combined with our active and passive ThermalDrive™ cooling designs and the industry leading SGM Light calibration method, TrueColor™, the result is a completely optimized drive system which fully utilizes the maximum performance of every part of the fixture.
This thermal management techonology provides Advaced Temperature Control monitored via sensors and software, keeping optimal LED junction temperatures, and ensuring maximum reliability for long-term use. The ThermalDrive™ system includes cutting-edge heat removal via passive thermal tecniques and active forced-air cooling (depending on the product), specifically designed to maintain LED efficiency while extending fixture's lifetime.
SGM's integrated patented Dehumidification process eliminates humidity and breaks down corrosive molecules deriving from polluted air to avoid destructive corrosion. Inbuilt dehumidifiers constantly remove trapped hydrogen from inside of the lighting fixture in a solid estate electrolytic process with no moving parts. The DryTech™ procedure is also based on a Ingress Protection rating of 65 or 66 (depending on the fixture), intended as a full protection against dust and other particles, while ensuring protection against direct water jets.
SGM uses full range spectral range calibration over the CIE color space and black body curve, measured via spectrometer and SGM Illumination Lab software. To ensure all SGM Light LED engines can be used together, the TruColor process ensures accurate wavelength reproduction across the SGM Light product range, all of them specified to match the master SGM color palette.
When including this proprietary technology, the luminaire features two types of light source in the same reliable fixture, allowing independent operational capabilities in terms of control, output, beam angle, design, and energy consumption. All DualSource™ fixtures are based on an optimized power management system that shares the same power supply for all sources, while delivering the maximum possible output in each light source when used independently.
Designer selectable algorithm for advanced color path control, allowing any mixed RGB value to hold a specific color point in the spectrum by modifying the color temperature data. Color filter emulation presets react to color temperature adjustments when this color path is selected. All products featuring the next-gen VersaPath™ color engine also include the standard SGM proprietary color mixing algorithm.