SGM Light announces the launch of a new Video Pixel product series. But rest assured, these are not like other linears on the market. These are Video Pixel Linear fixtures designed to improve the direct view experience, the reliability through time, and the color mixing consistency of complex light and video outdoor installations. How? By using SGM's advanced Quad-Pixel technology, which applies SGM’s superior passive thermal management and implements the revolutionary In-Cluster color mixing. By expanding the imaging area to a 6x6 mm full color imaging area, increasing the pixel brightness, and pre-mixing the colors inside the Quad cluster, SGM has truly improved viewers’ experience for direct view applications.
SGM Light Launches New VP Series
Easy Installation. Just Plug and Play
The series consists of four fixtures each with a 19.05 mm pixel pitch and a 120° viewing angle. The series is designed to create powerful pixel mapping and media effects, and is available in two different lengths (1220 mm and 305 mm) and with either a clear or an opal front glass. The clear lens allows a direct view of sharp pixels with an immense brightness, while the Opal version offers a soft frosted look for textures, even light distribution and diffused effects.
These compact linear products with 2,000K - 10,000K color temperature presets can achieve multiple effects and are perfect for video and lighting displays. With the single multicore cable, it is easy to link up to 79.3 meters (65 VPL 1220-20 units) in one circuit, creating no gap between connected fixtures. Driven directly by 200-240 VAC, these low weight fixtures reduce power consumption and installation costs, since there is no need for external power supplies.
The new Video Pixel Linear fixtures from SGM Light will be complemented by the powerful SGM VP Processor, the intuitive SGM VP Administrator software, and the new VP-Net protocol. The fixtures are suitable for a wide range of applications, both linear and radial installations, and ideal where high-visibility and a very flexible setup are essential. Just plug and play.