Three million in Germany, one million in the UK, 10 million in the United States, and many more in the rest of the world. This is the size of the community behind the event industry – a community that is at risk. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect, and so far, no end is in sight.
More help is desperately needed
“As a company with headquarters and production placed in Denmark, we have been receiving government help, for which we are grateful,” says Mikkel Falk, Executive Director at SGM Light. “However, many of our customers, partners, and colleagues here and around the world have not been so fortunate, and we are therefore concerned about the future of our industry. Without major immediate support, the entire arts and entertainment economy is at risk of collapse.”
This is why SGM has been supporting events in Germany, Denmark and the UK, and will also be at the side of customers, partners, and colleagues on September 1, 2020 in the United States. On that day, buildings and landmarks across the country will be lit up in red for the #WeMakeEvents initiative to raise awareness.
An invisible community
The event industry does not just consist of venues and artists – millions of people work behind the scenes to create unforgettable experiences. When everything runs smoothly, the audience or guests will never know they are there. But without them, there would be no stage, no lights, no sound, no merchandise – in short: no event at all. Whether it’s concerts, theatre, the opera, corporate or private events, countless hours go into events, before, during and after.
For many of the events companies and skilled specialists, technicians, engineers and designers, time is running out and for the first time, they are now asking to be seen, by turning on the red alert.
The world will lose some of its color
“With no way of knowing when it will be possible for events to start up again safely, the industry is absolutely at risk. And we are not just talking about short-term effects,” says Mikkel Falk. “Iconic venues will be lost forever, and experienced specialists will leave the industry. Without help for the events community, the world will come out of the pandemic and realize that culture and arts are not the same anymore.”