SGM Brings Light to a Community Icon
Monument Circle
SGM has been firmly planted in the Crossroads of America. A dramatic infusion of light into Downtown Indianapolis' Monument Circle highlights the 118 yearold, 284'-6" tall Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument as a beacon of pride for the city. The monument, plaza, and impressive facades that border the Circle have been converted into a permanent, unified, richlycolored public icon. The lighting system perfectly combines SGM's IP66 rated wash fixtures and moving lights to perform a nightly show called "Indy's Signature Salute" that activates the entire circle with sweeping intense color from P-10 and Q-10 wash fixtures. Additional impact is created by moving gobo projections and aerial effects from G-Profile Turbo fixtures. With the American flag as the default, gobos change to match the season. Basketball and football gobos add excitement on game days while the winter season is emphasized with snowflakes.
We’re bringing light to the Circle, we’re bringing images to the Circle, and we’re bringing stories to the Circle.
SGM Brings Light to a Community Icon
Indianapolis-based installer and SGM dealer Dodd Technologies Inc. worked closely with Downtown Indy, Inc. to locate fixtures where they would not detract from The Circle’s historic appeal but allow for impactful lighting coverage. Ultimately, the team chose the rooftops of four surrounding buildings and pre-fabricated lighting pods” that could be craned into position and quickly connected to power and data. SGM's high output in relation to fixture size meant the installation could produce amazing intensity with minimal infrastructure.
“We chose the P-10 and Q-10 for their high output, color saturation, form factor, and warranty.” said Andy Meggenhofen fromDodd Technologies, Inc. The P-10 and Q-10 provide 40,000lm and 60,000lm of RGBW light at 10° and 110° respectively in impressively compact frame sizes. The G-Profile Turbo produces incredibly clear gobo projection and can achieve intense colors using the 20,000lm RLB LED engine and can be permanently installed outside without a dome thanks to the features provided in the POI (Permanent Outdoor Installation) package.
“This is incredible technology that we see in some of the greatest cities in our world. We’re now going to be able to have that capability right here in our downtown. We’re going to be very proud to share that with those who’ve come to visit and our friends and relatives.” said Bob Schultz from Downtown Indy, Inc.
The project meant a great deal to everyone involved as it is the first of its kind in Indianapolis. The Circle is an essential gathering place that has historically been underutilized after sunset. The SGM lighting installation designed by Dodd has activated the beautiful architecture and highlighted the craftsmanship of the Monument and the surrounding civic structures enabling their discovery and enjoyment even at night. The enduring reliability provided by SGM’s unique on-board technologies ensures that the project will continue its celebration of Indiana for years to come.
Products used
(17) G-Profile Turbo POI, (53) P-10 10° POI, (6) Q-10 110° POI