SGM Rail Lights in Science Museum
The R-2s adding color to flagship gallery
For a custom-made lighting installation in the Making the Modern World gallery, one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London, rental company White Light turned to SGM's rail lights to fulfill their idea of a long-term lighting solution sympathetic to the existing look of the gallery.
The units are compact, bright, and, due to very flexible fittings, perfect for the accent lighting of exhibits
SGM R-2 Lights Make the Modern World
The rental company White Light was chosen to create a custom-made lighting installation in one of the flagship galleries at the Science Museum, London. The Making the Modern World gallery features some of the Museum's most remarkable objects, and iconic artefacts, such as the Apollo 10 Command Module and the first-ever Apple computer, now illuminated by SGM's R-2 Rail Lights.
"I was looking for a source that could fulfill a range of functions, including daytime exhibition lighting and event lighting. As a result, I needed a fixture that allowed full remote control of colour and intensity," explained White Light's Lighting Designer, Jason Larcombe, in regards to choosing SGM's R-2s.
White Light was asked to deliver a system that would keep the Museum's existing look during the day, yet have the ability to be transformed at night for special events.
"I treated the design in a very theatrical way as I wanted the exhibits to look and feel realistic. We programmed a range of coloured scenes, which can be recalled via an iPad, and offer the in-house event teams the opportunity to easily change the colour of the gallery for their individual events," commented Larcombe.
For this particular project, it was important to provide a long-term lighting solution alongside an installation that was sympathetic to the exhibition.
"At all stages, we were looking to provide the most affordable solution to the Museum, which meant minimising infrastructural work. SGM's R-2's integral wireless option and ability to be track-mounted did just that," explained Larcombe.
White Light drew on the full-color R-2 Rail lights for the Lower Level of the Museum as they provided the exact flexibility that Jason was looking for.
"The units are compact, bright, and, due to very flexible fittings, perfect for the accent lighting of exhibits. I like the fact that you can simply retrofit existing exhibition fittings, providing a wealth of creative opportunity," explained Larcombe.
"I often use SGM products for rental projects, but this was the first time I've used R-2s on this scale, and I was very pleased with the final look and feel of the gallery in the Museum. It now has an extremely rich and highly flexible system that offers new sales potential," concluded Larcombe.
White Light
Lighting Designer
Jason Larcombe
James Mackenzie